Nikki & Tai Crimson's 'Rest' over and Limb play
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Category: Hand Over Mouth
Runtime: 11 minutes
Date Added: 1/5/2017


Nikki & Tai Crimson are having over and Nikki has a fun idea. Her friend had showed her this cool trick with some liquid and a rag, and asks Tai is she wants to try it. Nikki wets the rag puts it over Tai's mouth and nose, she breathes it in gets very tired and finally goes completely out. Nikki then plays with Tai's limbs, picking them up and letting them fall and having lots of fun doing it. Tai eventually wakes up, and now it's Nikki's turn. They take turns doing it to each other a few times and each time playing with each other's limbs. Then they decided it would be fun it do it to each ot...
Nikki & Tai Crimson's 'Rest' over and Limb play

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