Fabulous storyline from MCstories brought to life by Renee and Alex. In this tale, Renee plays the Au Pair that has been hired by Alex and her wealthy husband. Upon her arrival to her new place of employ, Renee gets nice and cozy with her new "boss". A little too cozy for Alex's comfort. She notices how forward Renee is but eventually finds herself drawn in by Renee's voice. Soon enough, Alex is under Renee's spell - ready and willing to be fondled and sexed up. Renee wants her new sex slave to provide her with great pleasure which includes a strap-on dildo. Alex enjoys her own orgasm before R...
Fabulous storyline from MCstories brought to life by Renee and Alex. In this tale, Renee plays the Au Pair that has been hired by Alex and her wealthy husband. Upon her arrival to her new place of employ, Renee gets nice and cozy with her new "boss". A little too cozy for Alex's comfort. She notices how forward Renee is but eventually finds herself drawn in by Renee's voice. Soon enough, Alex is under Renee's spell - ready and willing to be fondled and sexed up. Renee wants her new sex slave to provide her with great pleasure which includes a strap-on dildo. Alex enjoys her own orgasm before R...