Detective Renee is exhusted after a hard work-out at the gym - so she decides to take a short nap. A noise awakens her and while she is searching out the source - she is taken captive by the Belly Button Bandit. The Bandit ties Detective Renee to a frame where he proceeds to torment her bellybutton with various tools and gadgets. She gets poked, prodded, tickled and threatened with knives and scissors, feathers and pliers before she from the anticipation....when she awakens, the Bandit is gone.....until next time!
Detective Renee is exhusted after a hard work-out at the gym - so she decides to take a short nap. A noise awakens her and while she is searching out the source - she is taken captive by the Belly Button Bandit. The Bandit ties Detective Renee to a frame where he proceeds to torment her bellybutton with various tools and gadgets. She gets poked, prodded, tickled and threatened with knives and scissors, feathers and pliers before she from the anticipation....when she awakens, the Bandit is gone.....until next time!