After defeating the Evil Toymaster, Supergirl was confronted by a new evil-doer. We finally come face to face with the Sorceress! She wields magical powers through her gloves and is here to wreak havoc on Supergirl. The Sorceress taunts the superheroine - encouraging Supergirl to come after her so that she can put a magic spell on Supergirl. Upon contact with the gloves, Supergirl starts to lose her powers....and eventually falls to the floor. When the spell wears off, the Sorceress tries to overpower Supergirl but finds herself the victim!! Supergirl rips the gloves off of the Sorceress in de...
After defeating the Evil Toymaster, Supergirl was confronted by a new evil-doer. We finally come face to face with the Sorceress! She wields magical powers through her gloves and is here to wreak havoc on Supergirl. The Sorceress taunts the superheroine - encouraging Supergirl to come after her so that she can put a magic spell on Supergirl. Upon contact with the gloves, Supergirl starts to lose her powers....and eventually falls to the floor. When the spell wears off, the Sorceress tries to overpower Supergirl but finds herself the victim!! Supergirl rips the gloves off of the Sorceress in de...