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One of Our Psychos is Missing Pt 2
My Rating:
Runtime: 9 minutes
Category: Straitjacket
Date Added: 05/28/13, 11:59 PM


Naughty Nurse Nyssa was so tightly bound and gagged, there was no escape for her...she struggled til she fell resting...but now, she awakes so a new horror. She's been somehow mistaken for a patient and has been straight jacketed!!!! Still in the same huge menacing ball gag, she struggle more, drooling all over herself, as she tries so desparately to find an escape. A PHONE!! She tries and tries to manuever her feet to act as hands...Her RHT pantyhose clad feet try to dial, try to open drawers, they just keep trying EVERYTHING!!! "How did this happen?!?! This isn't right!!!" she proclaims a...

One of Our Psychos is Missing Pt 2

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