Brie White App Zap CPR Rescue
My Rating:
Category: Cpr
Runtime: 9 minutes
Date Added: 2/28/2019


Brie White mindlessly walks into her living room while searching for a particular app on her phone, when suddenly her phone emits an electric spark, zapping her. Brie twitches for a second, then falls onto the couch. Some time passes, and her roommate Nyxon runs into the room calling her name. When Brie is unresponsive, Nyxon shakes her friend, but nothing happens. Knowing that she's going to have to administer CPR, Nyxon pushes Brie onto the floor & places her flat on her back. She checks for a pulse, tips Brie's head back, and starts the chest compressions. She places her lips onto Brie's...

Brie White App Zap CPR Rescue

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