This was a custom where the client wanted 10 minutes of Nyxon's & SassyKatt's tongues. He wanted the first 5 minutes for them to be side by side, their faces close together while sticking their tongues out as far as they could. They had to get close enough to make it look like they might kiss, but never actually kiss. For the second half, they had to face each other, and stick out their tongues as far as they could.
This was a custom where the client wanted 10 minutes of Nyxon's & SassyKatt's tongues. He wanted the first 5 minutes for them to be side by side, their faces close together while sticking their tongues out as far as they could. They had to get close enough to make it look like they might kiss, but never actually kiss. For the second half, they had to face each other, and stick out their tongues as far as they could.