Amazon Wedgies! Ft Goddess Marcy
My Rating:
Category: Wedgies
Runtime: 10 minutes
Date Added: 7/9/2023


Amazon Marcy is at home trying to unwind from a long day at work when suddenly some NERD starts thumping on her door! When she answers, he walks STRAIGHT in without being invited. Claiming that he has an internet offer for her that she can't miss out on. The Amazon can not BELIEVE his lack of manners and awareness. Who does this NERD think he is, being so demanding in entering her home and trying to sell her some low-grade internet scam. The Amazon catches a peak of his underwear as he bends down for a moment and takes it as a chance to kick off her revenge. Pulling and TUGGING on them! If ...

Amazon Wedgies! Ft Goddess Marcy

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