In The Air! Ft Goddess Blondi
My Rating:
Category: Lift & Carry
Runtime: 9 minutes
Date Added: 6/19/2023


It's time for you to go up up, and away into the air! The Amazon Goddess Blondi wants to take you for a ride with her today up above. You being so small, aren't use to what it's like living up there. Over 6 feet high up in the sky! You feel so small and fragile and the Amazon Goddess sweeps you off your feet into a variety of lift and holds. Balancing you with ease, and even utilizing you as a human weight. You are as light as a feather in the wind with Blondi carrying you away, swaying you back and forth as if you were taking flight. It's as if it's a dream come true to be above up in the ...

In The Air! Ft Goddess Blondi

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