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Take Her Down! Ft Princess Onyx Kim & Ashlynn Taylor
My Rating:
Runtime: 10 minutes
Date Added: 11/10/22, 01:03 AM


Ashlynn Taylor REALLY thinks she stands a chance on the mats with the Princess? Does she even know how to wrestle!? Princess Onyx Kim has NEVER seen her display her strength, so she is interested to see if Ashlynn is any much of a challenge. To The Princess's surprise, she is feisty at first. And tries all her might to submit Onyx into a pin. But she simply isn't up to par with our Princess, and she quickly finds herself becoming dominated by a variety of holds and grappling moves. Despite her will and desire to over power, she just doesn't have what it takes when up against our Princess. <...

Take Her Down! Ft Princess Onyx Kim & Ashlynn Taylor

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1080p - mp4 652MB
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