Real Flirting Dommes Plan your Sissy Demise: Audio Voyeur First Date OctoGoddess and Mistress Kena
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Category: Audio Only
Runtime: 22 minutes
Date Added: 4/20/2023


After admiring one another online for years, Mistress Kena and OctoGodess Devora Moore decide to get together and meet for the first time.

To both of their surprise and delight, there is a mutual romantic spark. As they talk and flirt with one another, they realize that among all of their shared interests, there is one that stands out: feminizing their sissies.

Listen in on their first meeting at a coffee shop as the two Goddesses begin to hatch a plan together: to use their growing infatuation with each other to mold their sissy slaves into exactly what they want them to ...

Real Flirting Dommes Plan your Sissy Demise: Audio Voyeur First Date OctoGoddess and Mistress Kena

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