I have found a great advertisement for a fat loss massage! I called up the massage and headed straight over to shed off some of my 87 pounds. Can I get even thinner? With these two SSBBW therapists at my side, I was sure that I could become an even smaller little stick of human being.
The session begins well enough. Nicole uses her big, fat hands to cinch my little waist in order to make sure I'm eligible for the treatment. She feels my tiny, bony ribs to make sure I will be able to handle what is coming next. Then, She has her assistant, 450-pound of double-belly luscious fat, Foxy Roxxie, ...
I have found a great advertisement for a fat loss massage! I called up the massage and headed straight over to shed off some of my 87 pounds. Can I get even thinner? With these two SSBBW therapists at my side, I was sure that I could become an even smaller little stick of human being.
The session begins well enough. Nicole uses her big, fat hands to cinch my little waist in order to make sure I'm eligible for the treatment. She feels my tiny, bony ribs to make sure I will be able to handle what is coming next. Then, She has her assistant, 450-pound of double-belly luscious fat, Foxy Roxxie, ...