I just woke up on the couch from a night out on the town and Daisy has come into the living room to see how I am doing. I tell her that I hooked up with a guy named Dave, not knowing that Dave is someone that she was seeing. So, without hinting anything to me, Daisy decides to get back at me for being a fun=loving little slut. I tell her that I have a headache from the night before so she gets me some "medicine" that will make all of my ailments go away. Little did I know that Daisy gave me age regression pills---when I wake up from my nap, I won't be myself anymore, I will be a baby in an adu...
I just woke up on the couch from a night out on the town and Daisy has come into the living room to see how I am doing. I tell her that I hooked up with a guy named Dave, not knowing that Dave is someone that she was seeing. So, without hinting anything to me, Daisy decides to get back at me for being a fun=loving little slut. I tell her that I have a headache from the night before so she gets me some "medicine" that will make all of my ailments go away. Little did I know that Daisy gave me age regression pills---when I wake up from my nap, I won't be myself anymore, I will be a baby in an adu...