Introducing my new Baby! A Peugeot 205
My Rating:
Category: Pedal Pumping
Runtime: 15 minutes
Date Added: 9/9/2024


I present to you my new old car! I found an old Peugeot 205 and I liked the car at first sight! And today I wanted to go for a ride with her to test her out. The seller told me that sometimes there are starting problems. And to celebrate the arrival of my new sweetheart, I dressed really sexy with a very tight dress and my black stiletto mules.

So I get into my little Peugeot, being very happy to be able to test it. But after multiple and multiple cranking attempts, the car doesn't want to know anything and won't start at all! I pumped the pedal a lot, in different ways, ...

Introducing my new Baby! A Peugeot 205

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