NEW & SALE PRICE $13.99 FOR GREAT 25 MINUTE VIDEO. Another 19 year old answers an ad to be a model for a catalog shoot. No experience of course BUT always wanted to be a model. The old, very old photographer loves to take advantage of these young, naive girls. There is no catalog of course, he just keeps shooting and touching these poor girls until they are naked and showing him their pussy for "the guys that manufacture the outfits in China." He even videos the poor girls in the dressing area when they are changing outfits. He is sick.
NEW & SALE PRICE $13.99 FOR GREAT 25 MINUTE VIDEO. Another 19 year old answers an ad to be a model for a catalog shoot. No experience of course BUT always wanted to be a model. The old, very old photographer loves to take advantage of these young, naive girls. There is no catalog of course, he just keeps shooting and touching these poor girls until they are naked and showing him their pussy for "the guys that manufacture the outfits in China." He even videos the poor girls in the dressing area when they are changing outfits. He is sick.