You wet your pants and ABDL step-mommie KIM is very upset at the embaressment it caused! A grownup who can't control their toilet movements must be put into diapers again but this time Kim takes you outside on the back patio where all the neighbhors can see you this Sunday afternoon. They can all see while Kim chastises you with comtempt while she diaper punishes you with disposables, plastic pants, bib and feed you mushy food! You're being bad so she shuts you up with a binky shoved in your mouth as she laughs. What a mean adult baby step-mommie she is!
You wet your pants and ABDL step-mommie KIM is very upset at the embaressment it caused! A grownup who can't control their toilet movements must be put into diapers again but this time Kim takes you outside on the back patio where all the neighbhors can see you this Sunday afternoon. They can all see while Kim chastises you with comtempt while she diaper punishes you with disposables, plastic pants, bib and feed you mushy food! You're being bad so she shuts you up with a binky shoved in your mouth as she laughs. What a mean adult baby step-mommie she is!