Sisters Tara & constance are hanging out & Constance has a secret confession to make to her younger step-sister.... she secretly likes regressing to an adultbaby & wearing diapers. SHe blurts it out & younger step-sis Tara has a ton of questions of course! Constance shows her how fun it is to suck her thumb and tara does it. First, Constance puts adult diapers Bambinos on Tara and puts a nice white onsie on her too. She feeds Tara baby food from the jar & then it's Tara's turn to put a diaper on Constance for the first time ever! Constance loves being a diapered DDLG and cuddles with all the t...
Sisters Tara & constance are hanging out & Constance has a secret confession to make to her younger step-sister.... she secretly likes regressing to an adultbaby & wearing diapers. SHe blurts it out & younger step-sis Tara has a ton of questions of course! Constance shows her how fun it is to suck her thumb and tara does it. First, Constance puts adult diapers Bambinos on Tara and puts a nice white onsie on her too. She feeds Tara baby food from the jar & then it's Tara's turn to put a diaper on Constance for the first time ever! Constance loves being a diapered DDLG and cuddles with all the t...