Ava Cardiac Arrest in office with CPR, Resus, AED, MTM
My Rating:
Category: Cpr
Runtime: 12 minutes
Date Added: 7/12/2024


(Some English) The new office assistant Ava has a heart condition but she has kept it a secret. When she starts to feel badly at work, her supervisor asks what's wrong but she blows it off and says she is ok. Soon however she's gasping for air in the boss's office before collapsing into her arms. Ava's supervisor calls for help and HR Director enters realizing Ava is not breathing and has no pulse. They immediately start CPR as well as MTM and run to get the AED machine. They follow its instructions: "cut off patient’s clothes", etc. They perform the shock but there is no responses. They fo...

Ava Cardiac Arrest in office with CPR, Resus, AED, MTM

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