Bianca Heart Attack in ICU, CPR, Resus, 02, Intubation, Debfib, Ambu, Stething
My Rating:
Category: Cpr
Runtime: 19 minutes
Date Added: 8/19/2018


Bianca is in the ICU following her massive heart attack. She is not yet stable yet. This is a detailed actions ICU video with:
- Different types of heavy breathing
- Med team comes, put O2 mask onto her and steth her while heavy breathing does not stop
- Cardiac arrest while med team checks her and gives O2
- Ambu bagging
- CPR scene by different doctors includes male doctor and interlocked fingers
- Defibrillation sequences with large reactions

When the patient's pulse returns, than more actions:

- Intubation

- Hooks her up to the respirat...

Bianca Heart Attack in ICU, CPR, Resus, 02, Intubation, Debfib, Ambu, Stething

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