Dorothy Appendix Surgery, CPR, Resus, Defib, 02, Intubation, Stething, EKG, BP
My Rating:
Category: Medical Fetish
Runtime: 21 minutes
Date Added: 7/23/2020


(English) Hospital manager Dorothy chats with a nurse in the hospital corridor. Suddenly Dorothy doubles over with a strong abdominal pain. She tries to deal it but soon collapses. The nurse immediately calls for help. Dorothy ends up in the pre-OP area being prepped for surgery. The nurse checks her vitals and places a pink bouffant cap onto her head and an O2 mask onto her face. Dorothy is then rolled into the OR. They hook her up to the heart monitor and place the BP cuff. The black rubber mask is placed, she breathes deeply, starts counting back from 10. She is intubated with an LMA and...

Dorothy Appendix Surgery, CPR, Resus, Defib, 02, Intubation, Stething, EKG, BP

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