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Greta Ventral Hernia Surgery and CPR, Resus, Defib s, Defib, O2, 12 lead EKG, Vfib
My Rating:
Runtime: 16 minutes
Category: Med Or
Date Added: 08/27/13, 04:10 AM


Greta is in the OR for ventral hernia surgery. The team preps her by hooking her up to a heart monitor, and placing a BP cuff onto her arm. She swats away the placement of the mask on her face. The doctor must relax her until finally starts breathing deeply from the mask. They intubate her with a standard taped ET tube and tape her eyes too. The team sterilizes her abdomen and she is ready for surgery. The med team completes the surgery when Greta's heart suddenly goes to Vfib and she soon flatlines. They start CPR immediately and charge the defibrillator. The orange defib pads are placed a...

Greta Ventral Hernia Surgery and CPR, Resus, Defib s, Defib, O2, 12 lead EKG, Vfib

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