Lia Treadmill Stress Test and Heart Attack with CPR, Resus, Defib, Ambu, Vfib
My Rating:
Category: Big Tits
Runtime: 22 minutes
Date Added: 7/3/2016


Lia Taylor is in the hospital for a treadmill stress test heart exam because she had chest pains recently climbing up on stairs. The medical team preps her for the exam. Nurse Kyra checks her BP and Dr. Emily places the many electrodes onto her chest. They help her step onto the machine and then turns the walking speed on so Lia can begin stepping. The med team pumps up treadmill speed gradually, and Lias pulse races higher and higher. Her perfect breasts swing and bounce with the many leads taped on them. She begins gasping for air. The Doctors check her BP and listen to her heartbeat with...

Lia Treadmill Stress Test and Heart Attack with CPR, Resus, Defib, Ambu, Vfib

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