Rea Lyme Disease Symptoms, CPR, Resus, Vfib, Defib, 3 Lead ECG, BP, Stething
My Rating:
Category: Cpr
Runtime: 13 minutes
Date Added: 12/17/2016


Rea is hospitalized following a severe Lyme Disease infection. She has several seizures, and is being monitored closely. She is hooked up to the 3 lead heart monitor, with BP cuff placed. The medical team checks her vitals, BP, and listens to her lungs and heart with a steth. They let her rest but soon another seizure attack begins. Her body cramps and she has a lot of trouble breathing, and it is clearly labored. The med team tries to calm her, but she has multiple seizures and is obviously frightened. Finally her breathless state becomes too severe and her heart goes into Vfib. The med te...

Rea Lyme Disease Symptoms, CPR, Resus, Vfib, Defib, 3 Lead ECG, BP, Stething

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