Wink's Special Vitamin SFX Giantess Vore
My Rating:
Studio: OralVore
Category: Giantess
Runtime: 8 minutes
Date Added: 2/16/2023


Wink pops up out of bed, and she's excited because she has a big day planned. Big plans calls for extra energy and nutrition, so Wink eats a BIG eggs and waffles breakfast, but she doesn't forget to take her special vitamin. Wink gets her Vitamin from the cabinet, and places it in front of her as she eats her breakfast. Wink constantly reminds her Special Vitamin that he will follow down her throat, as soon as she has finished her breakfast. When Wink has finished breakfast, she grabs her tiny pill, swallows it, and runs off with all of her energy.

The clips cuts back and forth fro...

Wink's Special Vitamin SFX Giantess Vore

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