Severe Series: The Interrogation (complete version)
My Rating:
Category: Caning
Runtime: 25 minutes
Date Added: 11/18/2017


Ridell School for Wayward Girls is an accredited Reform school for young ladies. Established in 1904 it endeavors to correct the behavior of young women and girls that have taken the wrong path in life. Corporal Punishment is used liberally and young women are made to see the error of their ways before it is too late and they wind up in prison or worse. Leila Jackson has been at the institution for over a year. She knows the rules but she thinks she can get around them. She is caught by Ms. Mocker bringing into the facility. Ms. Mocker confronts her, yanks her out of bed and demands to know he...
Severe Series: The Interrogation (complete version)

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