-NA tit nailing
My Rating:
Category: Bdsm
Runtime: 30 minutes
Date Added: 2/19/2024


-NA describe here herself how it was, she is just a 'it'

It suffering in His dungeon. After a night of impact and it in cage, as it should, He brought it shackled into dungeon. He had it sit on the chair with spikes all over the seat and then He handcuffed it to the chair. He pulled the spiked table in front of it and pushed its tits into the spikes. It cried out in gratitude. He then nailed its udders to the table and approached with large ice picks. It cried out in fear, but took them with a moan. Then He began a relentless caning of its tits for His amusement. It suffered not so...

-NA tit nailing

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