I've taken the lives in more cruel and savage ways than I can count. In fact "The Savage" is the pet name my giantess sisters have for me. They say that they call me that because when they watch me with a shrunken slave I turn into something terrifying. They say my voice becomes a vicious hiss, my hair becomes wild and untamed like the mane of lion and eyes grow dark and cold like soulless predator. I'm told that I become something that one would expect to see deep in the heart of some far away jungle, dancing and thrashing with delight as her captive missionaries slowly boil in a huge stone p...
I've taken the lives in more cruel and savage ways than I can count. In fact "The Savage" is the pet name my giantess sisters have for me. They say that they call me that because when they watch me with a shrunken slave I turn into something terrifying. They say my voice becomes a vicious hiss, my hair becomes wild and untamed like the mane of lion and eyes grow dark and cold like soulless predator. I'm told that I become something that one would expect to see deep in the heart of some far away jungle, dancing and thrashing with delight as her captive missionaries slowly boil in a huge stone pot. Even the other giantesses are afraid of me when I'm in that mood...and they're right to be. I teeter precariously on the edge of sanity and I have always been capable of great in the blink of an eye. The tiny skeletons and carcasses that litter the floor of my bedroom can attest to that. But nothing you've seen even compares to what I'm going to do today. If you had any idea you wouldn't be reading this, you'd be fleeing as fast and as far away from me as possible. You see I think I may have finally snapped. I've reached the tipping point where the slow and methodical destruction of one tiny at a time will no longer suffice. The only think that will satisfy me now is a of epic proportions. I need to hear the screams of hundreds, nay, thousands. I need to feel the crunch of screaming terrified mobs under my beautiful feet. I need to destroy EVERYTHING. By the time my rampage is complete the gutters will overflow like red raging rivers. People, homes, cars, entire city blocks will be laid to waste. And I'm not even certain I can stop there. Perhaps it will be whole towns, cities, fuck it, entire continents will sink under my immensity. And when the nations of the world rise up and wish to do battle I welcome it! After I'm finished destroying their military's I will pick my teeth with the bones of their fallen soldiers and use their flags to dab the remains of my devouring from the corners of my mouth. For many the world and this life as you know it changes today. Your only hope is that I am somehow satisfied before I reach the shores of where you live. I wouldn't count on it.