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Dr Payton and Nurse Lets Pretend Assist Patient with Erection Issue
My Rating:
Runtime: 16 minutes
Category: Milf
Date Added: 02/26/17, 07:40 PM


Featuring Jessica Taylor and Payton Hall and Billy Tyler. This patient has a raging erection and these two medical professionals must work on it to relieve the aching pressure of testicles ready to explode! First of all nurse Jessica takes the penis into her own hands and gives him a vigorous hand job, the penis gets harder but no relief just pleasurable sensations. Then Dr Payton pays him a visit. She tries the special lube next and then it just seems worse to she moves up the treatment to a oral application. Well patient Billy is just still plain hard. So Payton removed her scrubs and re...

Dr Payton and Nurse Lets Pretend Assist Patient with Erection Issue

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