Part 2. I was hoping you could wear stockings and high heels with the maid outfit! You clean house for a young married couple, the wife is snobby and spoiled, while the husband is nice and nerdy.The is always griping you need to wear a uniform or get fired, so you decide to wear a uniform the weekend she is gone! Her husband is supposed inspect the uniform and your work by his wives orders. You show up with some kind of coat on at first, saying all you had was a maid outfit from Halloween last year. He says it just has to be a uniform, so you take off the coat! He goes wide eyed, which you com...
Part 2. I was hoping you could wear stockings and high heels with the maid outfit! You clean house for a young married couple, the wife is snobby and spoiled, while the husband is nice and nerdy.The is always griping you need to wear a uniform or get fired, so you decide to wear a uniform the weekend she is gone! Her husband is supposed inspect the uniform and your work by his wives orders. You show up with some kind of coat on at first, saying all you had was a maid outfit from Halloween last year. He says it just has to be a uniform, so you take off the coat! He goes wide eyed, which you comment and laugh. He tells you can get to work, he has some work to get started on from the office. You bring up the fact his wife said for him to inspect the outfit, he tries to get out of it, but you point out rules are rules! You start by sticking your boobs in his face and asking is this too much cleavage? Then you ask him if your stockings look professional? Then you say you are sorry about wearing your "fuck me heels", but you were in a hurry. Finally, you ask if the skirt is too short, that is when you realize "oops", you are not wearing any panties! That is when you notice and comment on him grinding his teeth and shifting around uncomfortably. You show mock concern and ask if will be alright? He just shakes it off and says he will be fine. You start to get to work bending over a lot and pushing your boobs in his face! You notice he is a sweaty mess, he looks miserable, is there anything you can do for him? He can barely get out a no. Then you see something you need to clean, that is over him, he tries to tell you do not worry about it, because of your heels. You declare safety first, you will just remove your "fuck me heels"! You take off the heels and stockings! Then you stand over him with your legs apart, so he gets a great look up your skirt! You laugh as your working, realizing this may take longer to clean than you thought, all well being in this position is not bothering you at all! As you are standing above him, you thank him for the job, you really needed it. "Could you imagine wanting and needing something so bad, but you could not have it!" "I mean imagine sir, if you needed something so much, it was right in your face, so close you could smell it and almost taste it, but could not have it, that would be absolute right?" That is when you hear him let out a desperate moan, you get down and with mock concern ask if he be alright, he looks like he is really suffering! He just says he could use a break, you agree, so you sit down and put your feet right in is face, because you know he has a foot fetish! Could you please find a sexy and cock teasing way to end it! High Definition.