This is a very long shoeplay compilation that will delight the “walking heelpopping” fans as well as all those who love to see Lisa dipping and losing her shoes in public in general ;)))))))))))
In the first part I recorded Lisa when we joined one of our old friends for lunch. That day my princess was wearing a black dress with a pair of tan stockings and her extremely loose and low cut brown & gold Jonak pumps, so I decided to park my car a little far from the fast-food so I could watch her struggle to keep h...
This is a very long shoeplay compilation that will delight the “walking heelpopping” fans as well as all those who love to see Lisa dipping and losing her shoes in public in general ;)))))))))))
In the first part I recorded Lisa when we joined one of our old friends for lunch. That day my princess was wearing a black dress with a pair of tan stockings and her extremely loose and low cut brown & gold Jonak pumps, so I decided to park my car a little far from the fast-food so I could watch her struggle to keep her precious shoes on her feet while we were walking in the street ;))))))))) What was really cute is that, as it had rained in the morning, the streets were still wet so the poor girl was constantly clenching her toes to avoid losing her pumps accidentally as she clearly didn’t want to soil her fancy stockings, but as her skimpy shoes were barely clinging to her feet, she couldn’t prevent them from slipping off her heels dramatically with every step, turning everyone’s attention on her extremely vulnerable feet and her slutty toe cleavage pumps ;))))))))))))
She actually impressed me as she was walking quite fast, but I guess she was just impatient to reach the fast-food so she could give her poor little feet a break... and indeed, as soon as we arrived, she dipped out of her slutty pumps relentlessly in front of everyone while we were waiting for our orders ;)))))))))))) The dipping show continued when we settled at our friend’s table, and as you’ll hear, her precious designer pumps were making the most adorable - yet VERY LOUD - noises everytime they were falling on the floor, so I tried to leave the sound on everytime I could so you could enjoy that too ;)))))))))))) Then, after shoeplaying non-stop under her chair during the entire lunch (about 24 minutes in the video), we left, but unlike when we had arrived (where I had to carry our meal tray), this time I was able to record her walking down the stairs of the fast-food, and as you’ll see, although she was trying as hard as she could to keep her pumps on her feet, her right shoe fell off TWICE and she also got some more troubles outside (she clearly can’t do much things with those pumps without losing them ;))))))))))))))))))
I recorded the second part of this vid when I joined Lisa and 2 of her male colleagues for lunch in another fast-food about a month later. When I arrived they were already at the middle of their meal so I wasn’t able to catch a lot of stuff (about 23 minutes once the video edited), but what I caught is really breathtaking ;))))))))))))))) That day my princess was wearing a black skirt with a conservative white blouse, a pair of white silk stockings, and her extremely loose and low cut white Jonak pumps, so needless to say that she was really dressed to shoeplay that day ;)))))))))))))))) And indeed, as soon as I sat down next to her, I immediately saw (and heard!) that her precious shoes were constantly slipping off her feet, but more than that, they were sometimes literally FLYING OFF just like her beloved black pair, making her precious shoes land almost out of her reach under her chair and making her struggle to get them back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The really cute thing (and actually the point in common between the 2 parts of this vid) is that my princess was sometimes realizing that she making A LOT of noise with her slutty shoes (usually it’s when no one is talking and right at that moment she loses her shoes several times in a row under her chair and then people at our table smile knowingly at her ;)))))) So when it happens she usually starts clenching her toes to try to keep her precious shoes on her feet, but when she does that with her Jonak pumps, the vamps are so ridiculously low cut that her shoes just slip off by the front ;)))))))))))))))))))))
The end of the lunch was also quite epic as I offered Lisa to drive her back to work, and although my car wasn’t parked very far (about 50 meters away), it was long enough to make my princess step out accidentally of BOTH of her pumps (one after the other, but it wasn’t very surprizing with the silk stockings she was wearing ;))))))))))))))))) That’s actually what really drives me nuts at the moment: her white Jonak pumps are now as well worn as her beloved black pair, but she still doesn’t think that they’re too loose for work so she keeps wearing them with all kinds of slippery stockings (a big mistake if you ask me!!!!!!!)
ENJOY ;)))))))))))))))))))))