Sorry guys for the lack of updates lately as I’m very busy at work at the moment, but hopefully I got enough time to release this very special video before Xmas ;))) As you will see, it wasn’t an easy one to record as Lisa and I had went to the food court for lunch with 2 of my colleagues and her assistant that day (and one of my colleagues was sitting right next to me so I could barely access my but what I still managed to catch is just breathtaking!!!!!!!!!! In fact, not only Lisa was really teasing like hell with her ultra loose red patent ballerinas (s...
Sorry guys for the lack of updates lately as I’m very busy at work at the moment, but hopefully I got enough time to release this very special video before Xmas ;))) As you will see, it wasn’t an easy one to record as Lisa and I had went to the food court for lunch with 2 of my colleagues and her assistant that day (and one of my colleagues was sitting right next to me so I could barely access my but what I still managed to catch is just breathtaking!!!!!!!!!! In fact, not only Lisa was really teasing like hell with her ultra loose red patent ballerinas (slipping them on and off in front of everyone in the checkout line and losing them constantly under her chair during a good part of her lunch), but some of her colleagues decided to give her a good lesson that day by stealing discreetly both of her slutty shoes, and those bastards left her completely shoeless and ashamed in the middle of the food court!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
As always I prefer not to spoil what happened in this video as it’s far more exciting to discover it by yourself, but as you will see, those bastards clearly had it all planned!!! It started with one of Lisa’s colleagues (he’s some sort of "janitor" at her law firm), and when that guy saw that Lisa couldn’t stop slipping her loose flats on and off constantly and that she was a very easy prey that day, he warned his little friends (among which "John" and one of the bitches who had "soiled" one of her black suede Jonak pumps), and they all teamed up to make sure that my poor princess wouldn’t be able to wear her red patent flats ever again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Actually it’s only recently that I discovered why they had probably done this as apparently Lisa had to fire one of the business lawyers at her law firm a few months ago, and I think that "John" (and probably some others) were friends with that guy... So either the guy who got fired asked his friends to avenge him by taking Lisa’s shoes, or they just did it because they think that firing him was unfair, but either way, I bet that my poor princess’ ballerinas got cut and torn in pieces shortly after those bastards stole them...
Now of course, given how upset she was when she came back home later that day and how her colleagues’ reaction is starting to get out of hand, I had to stop moving her shoes in public for several weeks so she wouldn’t get stripped again by her colleagues too soon after this (now I have eyes everywhere when I have lunch with her as I’m almost sure that those guys spy her regularly to see where she likes to eat and what shoes she’s wearing), but man if I had wanted to, those bastards could have easily stolen a few more pairs of Lisa’s shoes as she was already shoeplaying again in public just a few days later (mostly with her black suede Jonak pumps and the brown ones), and boy with the way they were looking at her feet while she was dipping and losing those shoes, it’s pretty obvious that they’re dying to get their hands on her precious collection of Jonak pumps now...