Barbie Deals With A Student (L)
My Rating:
Category: Foot Humiliation
Runtime: 10 minutes
Date Added: 5/23/2009


Barbie might be a VP for her company, but even she feels the effects of the recession. She goes to her second job as a school teacher and gives her class its instructions. As Barbie does that, she catches a student passing notes. She has him come to her desk and explain himself. He tells her the reason for passing the note was because of a girl. That gives Barbie and idea. She comes up with a way to punish him and at the same time, give him a lesson on how to please a girl. She has him take her pumps off her feet and sniff them. They are stinky from her being in them for hours. Next, he has to...
Barbie Deals With A Student (L)

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