Many girls are huge sports fans, and Jersey is one of them. Her footman bet the team he chose would win. If he won, Jersey had to buy him lunch. If she won, he would have to make her feet feel better after she finished work. So it came down to win and eat, or lose and lick. Jersey won, and in hope she would win, she purposely wore her work socks two days straight with her most worn, stinky sneakers [her favorite Nikes with visible holes in them]. Jersey brought her friend along with her to witness the humiliation. Jersey puts her sneakers on his chest and waits for the fun. He kisses Jersey's ...
Many girls are huge sports fans, and Jersey is one of them. Her footman bet the team he chose would win. If he won, Jersey had to buy him lunch. If she won, he would have to make her feet feel better after she finished work. So it came down to win and eat, or lose and lick. Jersey won, and in hope she would win, she purposely wore her work socks two days straight with her most worn, stinky sneakers [her favorite Nikes with visible holes in them]. Jersey brought her friend along with her to witness the humiliation. Jersey puts her sneakers on his chest and waits for the fun. He kisses Jersey's ...