The Governess came into the room and took an energetic seat on Her human stool. Then She sat there totally relaxed and lit up a cigarette. For the cigarette ashes She had Her human ashtray kneeling beside her and She was flipping the ashes into the human ashtray's wide opened mouth. Her human seat had to struggle with Her full weight of 270 lbs but he was not allowed to move a muscle. * ..::.. (**856x480 / 16:9 / 5:01 min.**)
The Governess came into the room and took an energetic seat on Her human stool. Then She sat there totally relaxed and lit up a cigarette. For the cigarette ashes She had Her human ashtray kneeling beside her and She was flipping the ashes into the human ashtray's wide opened mouth. Her human seat had to struggle with Her full weight of 270 lbs but he was not allowed to move a muscle. * ..::.. (**856x480 / 16:9 / 5:01 min.**)