Gaining Girl Can't Fit In Her T-Shirt : Fat Belly Jiggles, Pulling Down Shirt, Bouncing, & Trying to Suck It In (No Talking)
My Rating:
Category: Gaining Weight
Runtime: 5 minutes
Date Added: 11/22/2024


Poke had always been a slender girl who loved to stay active. But over the past year, things have started to change. It all began when she started working from home. The convenience of having her kitchen just a few steps away led to frequent snacking. Poke also discovered a newfound love for cooking and baking, trying out new recipes almost every day.

As the months went by, Poke noticed her clothes fitting a bit tighter, but she didn't pay much attention. She was enjoying her culinary adventures and the comfort food she was making. However, one morning as she was getting ready for a...

Gaining Girl Can't Fit In Her T-Shirt : Fat Belly Jiggles, Pulling Down Shirt, Bouncing, & Trying to Suck It In (No Talking)

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