Blonde Calypso indulges in a puppy fantasy. First, her pussy is waxed, then she is kept naked in a cage while wearing a butt plug puppy tail. Upon release, she excitedly licks her Master's boots. She must drink water from a bowl on the floor and gets to play with a ball, using only her mouth. Finally, in order to pee, sahe must do it outside, like any good puppy.
Blonde Calypso indulges in a puppy fantasy. First, her pussy is waxed, then she is kept naked in a cage while wearing a butt plug puppy tail. Upon release, she excitedly licks her Master's boots. She must drink water from a bowl on the floor and gets to play with a ball, using only her mouth. Finally, in order to pee, sahe must do it outside, like any good puppy.