You just can't stay away now that you know what a master of transformation I am! What's on the menu for you today? Shall I be your fairytale princess? Show you who really is the fairest one of all? Maybe you want a glamorous platinum playboy to boast on your arm. Imagine what a stud your friends would think you are! Perhaps I can be a simple bespectacled brunette- the sweet unassuming girlfriend. I can be meek and romantic, the perfect understated college co-ed cutie.
You just can't stay away now that you know what a master of transformation I am! What's on the menu for you today? Shall I be your fairytale princess? Show you who really is the fairest one of all? Maybe you want a glamorous platinum playboy to boast on your arm. Imagine what a stud your friends would think you are! Perhaps I can be a simple bespectacled brunette- the sweet unassuming girlfriend. I can be meek and romantic, the perfect understated college co-ed cutie.