Nurse Initiation- Testing Orgasm and Tickle Thresholds PART ONE
My Rating:
Category: Made To Cum
Runtime: 31 minutes
Date Added: 3/24/2015


File size 1280*720

***PART ONE***

Lola, Sky, and Ali all desperately want to become nurses in order to help others, but the last thing they have to do before they graduate is to test each others' tickle and orgasm thresholds. As we all know- laughter is the best medicine, and these nurses need to know how to properly administer tickle therapy. The same principle applies to orgasm therapy. Multiple orgasms can cure many ailments and these nurses need more practice before they start treating actual patients.

Sky is the first nurse-to-be to get tested. She is naked on the exam ta...

Nurse Initiation- Testing Orgasm and Tickle Thresholds PART ONE

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