Batman dressed in the full spandex costume with underwear over the spandex. I want him to talk like the Adam West version of Batman (kinda innocent Boy Scout-ish if you know what I mean).
Lily Lou: wearing heavy makeup, shiny red lipstick/lipgloss, hair down and styled, nails/toes done (preferably shiny color), wearing bikini with full nude shiny pantyhose underneath the bikini. I want her wearing some kind of closed toe pumps/heels/or go-go boots if she has them.
Scene: A bedroom or livingroom or something ...
Batman dressed in the full spandex costume with underwear over the spandex. I want him to talk like the Adam West version of Batman (kinda innocent Boy Scout-ish if you know what I mean).
Lily Lou: wearing heavy makeup, shiny red lipstick/lipgloss, hair down and styled, nails/toes done (preferably shiny color), wearing bikini with full nude shiny pantyhose underneath the bikini. I want her wearing some kind of closed toe pumps/heels/or go-go boots if she has them.
Scene: A bedroom or livingroom or something is fine.
Opening scene:
Batman is tied up to a wall and trying to get free when Lily walks in all sultry showing off her pantyhosed ass/legs/feet. She stops in front of him and puts her hands on her hips and she confronts him like she’s offended/disappointed that she just caught Batman snooping around her apartment like a peeping Tom or something.
Batman denies it that he was looking for the Penguin there and then she comes clean, that she is one of the Penguin’s nightclub dancers but also one of his top deadliest henchwomen. She then calls her Boss on the phone and she’s instructed to “soften Batman up” until he comes back and they’ll end him together. Lily looks disgusted and and sighs begrudgingly that she has a “job” to do now.
(Switch to Batman’s POV) Lily comes up to the camera all seductive and stuff and teases Batman with her lips, doing POV kissing and lips fetish stuff (I want to highlight her beauty and mouth/lips).
She asks Batman if he’s ready for her and keeps teasing him POV.
She then asks Batman if he’s ever had his dick sucked before and laughs all sinister like.
(Switch back to 3rd person view) he ignores her, commanding her to let him go.
She then tells Batman that she’s gonna drain every last drop of cum from his pathetic Batballs and then reaches into his underwear and starts fondling his penis.
She then sits down and takes off her shoes and shoes off her pantyhose feet (lots of closeups of her feet) and rubs them on his package and teases him/how stinky they are from working all night etc.
Batman protests and tries to resist getting hard.
She then pulls his dick out and starts giving Batman a blowjob (focus mainly on the tip of his penis and NO DEEPTHROAT) and using mainly her head and mouth to do the suck him off. I want her to really work his batcock and I want her to keep talking dirty to Batman and warn him he better not cum in her mouth.
I want her to work his batcock some more and then she tells him to hurry up and cum already all the while he’s struggling not to cum, having multiple near accidents.
I want her to be like she’s sucking him off because it’s her job and just go at a medium pace, pumping his cock with her mouth almost like a machine all the while he’s in agony.
I want lots of shots of her ass/legs/feet while showing her sucking off Batman. I also want closeups of her lipstick lips/mouth while she’s sucking his dick.
Eventually I want Batman to accidentally cum in her mouth and she gets disgusted and spits it out on the ground. But then she realizes he’s still cumming a little bit and she has to get every drop out of him, and she goes to suck up the last drops off the tip off penis hole, each time spitting it onto the ground. Batman then faints and the scene ends with Lily walking away, blowing him a kiss and saying “bye Batman!”
Scene 2.
Same Batman wardrobe.
Lily wearing a sexy leather dominatrix bikini and full nude shine pantyhose underneath with the same hair/makeup/nails/lipstick. I want her to be wearing closed top pumps/heels. clear="none" />Same scene OK.
Batman is tied up on the ground and there’s a chair next him. Lily walks up all seductive (showing lots of ass/legs/feet) and tells Batman that her boss will be there soon but caught up on other business. She then notices Batman still has some fight left in him and tells him that they’re gonna have some fun now.
She then sits in the chair and teases him with her pantyhosed feet while he’s laying next to the chair and he resists her stinky feet. She then teases him with her pussy (a little bit of face sitting and POV crotch shots here please) and then he tells him that she’s going to make him cum again and Batman protests some more.
She then tells him that hes not man enough to get her pussy and she laughs at him for even thinking it was going to happen. She then tells him that hes only going to get her mouth.
She then gets on her knees and pulls his dick out and starts sucking him off using her her hands also this time. She continues in a sort of mundane rhythm pumping and working his cock with her hands/mouth for a while and he resists to cum.
Realizing it’s not working, She then gets up and sits back in the chair starts giving him a pantyhose footjob (lots of closeups of her pantyhose feet please) and she realizes it’s starting make batman get closer to cumming.
She then tells Batman that it’s to cum, for the last time!
She then gets back on the ground and starts sucking him off hard, working his cock to completion as he helplessly resists cumming.
Right as Batman is cumming, she pulls his dick out and jacks it off onto her tits.
She then uses her mouth to slurp up any leftover cum coming out of his dick and spits it onto her tits. She then comes up by Batmans face and kisses him on the cheek, telling him, “it was nice knowing you Bats! Byee....” And then she gets up off of him quickly and runs to her phone in another room and calls her Boss, telling him, “Batman is finished off!”