Khloe Capri - The Grocery Bagging Girl
My Rating:
Category: Female Training
Runtime: 52 minutes
Date Added: 8/1/2018


Khloe works as a bagger at a local gorcery store. She offered to help a customer bring his bags out to his car but for some reason she agreed to come home with him to help bring the groceries in. She isn't sure why she thought it was reasonable at the time but she is having secnd thoughts. When the customer flashes cash and asks her to put the goceries away and clean out his pantry she tells him she really has to go. The man politely freshens his breath with some spray before explaining that it makes sense to work at his place since he will give her more money. Suddenly it DOES make more se...

Khloe Capri - The Grocery Bagging Girl

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