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Bad Employee Needs a Diaper
My Rating:
Runtime: 9 minutes
Category: Diaper Fetish
Date Added: 04/10/17, 09:57 PM


You're late with the reports. Again. Now the whole project is delayed. Someone at your professional level should not need so much reminding, so much guidance, so much direct supervision! I should not have to hold your hand every step of the way! God, it's like dealing with a . If you're going to act like a, well then, it only seems befitting that I really treat you like one.

So here, I got you these diapers. You are not allowed to leave your desk, not even for bathroom breaks, until the reports are completed. Go on, put them on. Do not disobey me. You know I can ruin your career in...

Bad Employee Needs a Diaper

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