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Hard Cock, Soft Mind
My Rating:
Runtime: 16 minutes
Date Added: 01/25/16, 11:25 PM


What is it about a hard cock & a soft mind that just go together? Is it because all the rushes to your cock when you are hard? When you have an erection, you are incapable of making your own decisions - incapable of saying no. You turn into My weak, stroking zombie and there is no turning back. You just nod your head and agree with anything and everything I say. You have no free will of your own and none of your own opinions. You think what I tell you to think, you want what I want you to want. You are Mine - cock, mind and wallet. This is exactly where I want you, it's why I keep your cock...

Hard Cock, Soft Mind

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720p - mp4 112MB
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