My royal feet look great in these shiny heels. They are so shiny you can ever see the reflection of the camera in them. Wouldn't you just love to be on the ground under my feet, where you can see the reflection of your own ugly face in my high heels? Theses shoes are so shiny it is nearly . Watching the light hit them from all directions and bounce back off, making them sparkle. Stare at them, loser. Stare at my shiny heels, knowing that the longer you stare the more you are sucked in.
My royal feet look great in these shiny heels. They are so shiny you can ever see the reflection of the camera in them. Wouldn't you just love to be on the ground under my feet, where you can see the reflection of your own ugly face in my high heels? Theses shoes are so shiny it is nearly . Watching the light hit them from all directions and bounce back off, making them sparkle. Stare at them, loser. Stare at my shiny heels, knowing that the longer you stare the more you are sucked in.