Somethings different and unusual about this bright pair of tits. The shiny golden zipper and shiny green material. Watching the zipper go up and down almost drifts you off into a state of mine that's ... dream like. Is this a dream? All you can do is focus. Then you see it. The reason you are here. Its this gold shiny bikini. The cleavage is over whelming. Its also demanding and the two sensations are changing your very self.
Somethings different and unusual about this bright pair of tits. The shiny golden zipper and shiny green material. Watching the zipper go up and down almost drifts you off into a state of mine that's ... dream like. Is this a dream? All you can do is focus. Then you see it. The reason you are here. Its this gold shiny bikini. The cleavage is over whelming. Its also demanding and the two sensations are changing your very self.