Dry PigPaypigs are the best when they're juicy and plump! Inevitably, however, the well gets siphoned dry by my greed and I'm left with a shriveled, desperate loser aching to get one more second of attention from me before he expires. When a paypig stops paying they stop existing. Go on and reach longingly for me, you'll never reach. You're nothing without a full wallet. Shut the fuck up and go back to work, then approach again with cash in hand. This is the only way. This is what you must become. Desperate, aching, and dependent on my attention.
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Dry PigPaypigs are the best when they're juicy and plump! Inevitably, however, the well gets siphoned dry by my greed and I'm left with a shriveled, desperate loser aching to get one more second of attention from me before he expires. When a paypig stops paying they stop existing. Go on and reach longingly for me, you'll never reach. You're nothing without a full wallet. Shut the fuck up and go back to work, then approach again with cash in hand. This is the only way. This is what you must become. Desperate, aching, and dependent on my attention.