Tiger is a 19 year old 95 lb goth alternative chick with tats .. She was nervous about doing a lift and carry video as when she was younger a boy dropped her when he was cradle carrying her down the stairs!! So we have a bet in the video if I can lift her 5 times for two minutes each she loses her top... Two OTS carries, cradle, side, front, piggyback all shot from two angles :) It's great after our shoot she was not scared of Lift and Carry anymore,., so I have another convert to our fetish :)
Tiger is a 19 year old 95 lb goth alternative chick with tats .. She was nervous about doing a lift and carry video as when she was younger a boy dropped her when he was cradle carrying her down the stairs!! So we have a bet in the video if I can lift her 5 times for two minutes each she loses her top... Two OTS carries, cradle, side, front, piggyback all shot from two angles :) It's great after our shoot she was not scared of Lift and Carry anymore,., so I have another convert to our fetish :)