Your Humiliation and My Pleasure ( First Scene ) La Tua Umiliazione e Il Mio Piacere ( Prima Parte ) sweaty feet and handjob
My Rating:
Runtime: 12 minutes
Date Added: 4/18/2021


Before entering in the bathtub, she wants playing a little and her sissy slave will entertain her.
IN THIS SCENE: before the water can touch her feet, he will have to smell all the scent they emit, after a long and tiring day. While he sniffs, she torments the worm he keeps between his legs, masturbating him and laughing at his erection, caused by smell of her feet and the work of her hand.

In This Scene: Foot Smelling Handjob, Ejaculation, FemDom, Female Supremacy.

Audio Italian

Script And Direction: Gabriel Galli

1920X1080 Version

Before entering in the bathtub, she wants playing a little and her sissy slave will entertain her.
IN THIS SCENE: before the water can touch her feet, he will have to smell all the scent they emit, after a long and tiring day. While he sniffs, she torments the worm he keeps between his legs, masturbating him and laughing at his erection, caused by smell of her feet and the work of her hand.

In This Scene: Foot Smelling Handjob, Ejaculation, FemDom, Female Supremacy.

Audio Italian

Script And Direction: Gabriel Galli

1920X1080 Version
La Tua Umiliazione e Il Mio Piacere ( Versione Integrale ) Your Humiliation and My Pleasure ( Full Version )
La Tua Umiliazione e Il Mio Piacere ( Only Foot Domination Scene ) Your Humiliation and My Pleasure
La Tua Umiliazione e Il Mio Piacere ( Prima Parte ) Your Humiliation and My Pleasure ( First Scene ) schiavo annusa piedi
La Tua Umiliazione e Il Mio Piacere ( Seconda Parte ) Your Humiliation and My Pleasure ( Second Scene )
La Tua Umiliazione e Il Mio Piacere ( Terza Parte ) Your Humiliation and My Pleasure ( Third Scene )

Prima di entrare nella vasca da bagno, vuole giocare un po' e sarà il suo schiavo sissy a farla divertire.
IN QUESTA PARTE: prima che l'acqua possa toccare i suoi piedi, lui dovrà sentirne tutto il profumo che essi emanano dopo una lunga e stancante giornata e mentre lui annusa, lei gli tortura quel verme che ha tra le gambe masturbandolo e ridendo per la sua erezione provocata dall'odore dei suoi piedi e dal lavoro della sua mano.

In Questa Parte: Foot Smelling Handjob, Ejaculation, FemDom, Female Supremacy.

Audio Italiano

Regia e Sceneggiatura: Gabriel Galli

Your Humiliation and My Pleasure ( First Scene ) La Tua Umiliazione e Il Mio Piacere ( Prima Parte ) sweaty feet and handjob

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