Tyler Lynn thought she was going to meet her boyfriend to go on a New Years Eve party, but finds herself captured in a room . She is greeted by a voice and is confused about what is going on. The voice informs her that it’s a team effort and although the room she is in looks like a normal room with windows and doors, none are able to be opened by Tyler. She is completely locked in with no way out. If Tyler answers all of their questions honestly she has a good chance of getting out unharmed, but if she lies they will push a button that will release a poisonous gas from the vents. The gas w...
Tyler Lynn thought she was going to meet her boyfriend to go on a New Years Eve party, but finds herself captured in a room . She is greeted by a voice and is confused about what is going on. The voice informs her that it’s a team effort and although the room she is in looks like a normal room with windows and doors, none are able to be opened by Tyler. She is completely locked in with no way out. If Tyler answers all of their questions honestly she has a good chance of getting out unharmed, but if she lies they will push a button that will release a poisonous gas from the vents. The gas will fill the room and will only take two minutes to completely choke her out. The gas is invisible and odorless, and Tyler will not know when it is coming. Tyler is confused and terrified unsure why they want her. Tyler begins to answer every question and is informed that her boyfriend has a wife, who is not happy with their relationship. Tyler continues to answer all of the questions honestly while looking around terrified for a way out. She says she will do anything they want but just to please not hurt her. His wife wants Tyler gone and will do whatever it takes, even though Tyler answered honestly she still feels that Tyler doesn’t deserve to walk out. A countdown begins and the gas is released. Tyler begins to hyperventilate and try to break out going into survival mode as she gets weaker and weaker. She gets lightheaded and weak and feels as if she is hallucinating. The gas is increased and Tyler tries to hold out but she is very weak. Her eyes begin to roll and her muscles start to fade as she is pushing the bed trying to hold herself up before becoming to weak and ending up lying on the bed. She grabs at the bed and kicks her legs as the final strength she has deteriorates. Tyler says “you can have him, please” as her eyes roll and she is struggling for air. Tyler grabs her head hyperventilating with rolling eyes, as her last fighting instincts begin to fade. Tyler begins to grab her throat with her eyes rolling back as the gas chokes her, she struggles as much as she can gasping for air until the gas is increased and Tyler is KO. Gassing Stage Complete. Tyler Lynn has been exterminated.
The camera scans Tyler’s full KO body as she lays their KO.
The wife opens the door to come see her victim. She pulls up Tyler’s eyelid to see her eye, while Tyler lays with her mouth cracked open tongue slipping out drooling. The wife mentions that Tyler put up quite a fight and that it’s a shame that she lost it. She then moves Tyler’s arm and pushes her onto her back saying she doesn’t deserve to lay comfortably. She then moves her leg which shows up Tyler’s dress. She comments that Tyler out lasted the gas longer than most people twice her size have and that she hopes it keeps her out long enough to burry her. She messes with her limbs and gets in her face as she lays there with her eyes rolled, tongue creeping out, drooling. She says Tyler Lynn will never get the chance to mess with someone else’s man again and even though she’s cute, she doesn’t get the hype. She makes comments on Tyler’s slutty dress as she drops with her limbs on the bed. The wife continues to talk to herself while playing with Tyler’s KO face, happy that her husbands fun is over. The wife leaves Tyler laying there KO cold.