Captain Dominator: Gutpunching and Choking me
My Rating:
Studio: Punchbag
Category: Male Domination
Runtime: 6 minutes
Date Added: 12/11/2024


Get ready for a battle full of action and tension! In this exclusive video, the feared Captain Dominator, an unbeatable professional fighter, finds himself in a hotel room with the vulnerable jobber. What seemed like a calm conversation quickly turns into a brutal confrontation, with the jobber at the mercy of Captain Dominator's relentless blows.

Watch as Captain Dominator delivers powerful punches and a devastating chokehold, testing his opponent's endurance to the limit. Will the jobber be able to withstand such power ? Or is this the end of his resistance? Don’t miss this inten...

Captain Dominator: Gutpunching and Choking me

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