Teacher Julian has isssues, he is often late, forgets things and is generally disorganised not to mention he can be a bit too familar with the female staff. Miss Lina, the new headmistress has a new policy of treating students and staff the same. For consistant lateness a student would be spanked and thta's how she deals with Julian's persistant bad time keeping. - Part 1 of 3 - ( Mpeg4 ) - 720x576
Teacher Julian has isssues, he is often late, forgets things and is generally disorganised not to mention he can be a bit too familar with the female staff. Miss Lina, the new headmistress has a new policy of treating students and staff the same. For consistant lateness a student would be spanked and thta's how she deals with Julian's persistant bad time keeping. - Part 1 of 3 - ( Mpeg4 ) - 720x576